Badgers and their setts are fully protected by the Protection of Badgers Act 1992 (as amended), whereby it is an offence to take, injure, kill or cruelly ill-treat a badger or interfere with badger setts. However, under this Act, Natural England may be able to issue licences to interfere with badger setts or, in rare instances, to kill or take badgers for the "purpose of preventing serious damage to land, crops, poultry of any other form of property", provided that it can be demonstrated that there are no practical alternatives that do not require a licence and that the proposed action is likely to alleviate the problem.
Where damage is not serious such as to flower borders or lawns, preventative measures will normally be advised, as licences are generally not issued in these circumstance. However, where there is a sett in a garden that is causing, or is likely to cause, serious damage, then licences can be issued to enable interference to the badger setts.
An application form can be downloaded using the link below:
You can contact the Wildlife Licensing Unit on 0845 6014523, or email:; for further advice (please state your county or case number if your query relates to an existing case). When your application has been received a Natural England Wildlife Adviser will contact you and may arrange with you to undertake a site visit.
For more information, please see the Related Information.