Getting a vehicle removed from private land can potentially be a complicated matter. However, we would suggest the following:
If the vehicle is in a dangerous condition e.g. it's leaking petrol or contains dangerous items such as gas bottles, we would suggest you contact your local police via 101 or 999 if an emergency response is required.
If you think the vehicle is abandoned, we would suggest you contact your local council via the link below:
GOV.UK - find your local council
Councils must remove abandoned vehicles from both land in the open air and roads (including private roads). However, local council policies differ in relation to this, so we would suggest that the matter is discussed directly with them.
If the vehicle isn't abandoned or in a dangerous condition, you will need to seek legal guidance from a solicitor or the Citizens Advice via the links in the Related Information section. The options here would include obtaining a court order from a civil court for the removal of the vehicle or pursuing a civil action for nuisance against the driver/owner of the vehicle. However, it is worth noting that taking legal action can be a long and potentially expensive process but you may have some cover in relation to this on your house insurance.
Points to note:
Under no circumstances would we advocate you merely pushing the vehicle onto a road and leaving it there, as you may commit an offence.
Don't damage/clamp the vehicle or have it removed by a third party without first seeking legal advice. If you do this, you may commit a criminal offence or the owner may pursue a civil action against you.
You may be able to obtain the cost of having the vehicle removed from the vehicle owner but you will need to speak to your legal advisor about this.