No, CS spray is not legal.
It is a prohibited firearm and if you are found in possession of it, it could lead to a minimum prison sentence of six months and a maximum one of ten years and/or a fine.
No, CS spray is not legal.
It is a prohibited firearm and if you are found in possession of it, it could lead to a minimum prison sentence of six months and a maximum one of ten years and/or a fine.
The effects of CS spray can include discomfort to the eyes, a burning sensation, coughing, tightness in the chest and it may also cause your skin to go red and feel hot. Most people recover within 15-30 minutes after a brief exposure.
If you are exposed to CS gas you should remove yourself from any confined space where the gas has been used and into the fresh air. Do not rub your eyes and with clean hands remove contact lenses. To aid recovery irrigate the eyes with plenty of cold water.
If the symptoms persist you should seek medical advice.
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CS (named after the initials of the inventors Corson and Staughton) combines the compound (o-chlorobenzylidine malononitrile) a white crystalline substance which is dissolved in the inert solvent MiBK (methyl iso-butyl ketone) and held by this substance in suspension. When it is expelled from the canister as a liquid jet, the CS compound which is suspended in the liquid compound (MiBK) separates from the matrix liquid on contact with the air.
Any cannister of whatever description, designed or adapted for discharge of CS spray is a prohibited weapon.
Police officers are regularly trained in the use of CS spray and an officer who is faced with violence, or the threat of violence, may decide to use it in the circumstances.
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QuestionQ335: I have seen CS spray for sale, is it legal? AnswerNo, CS spray is not legal. It is a prohibited firearm and if you are found in possession of it, it could lead to a minimum prison sentence of six months and a maximum one of ten years and/or a fine. |