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Q80: How do I find out about my local Neighbourhood Watch scheme?


The Neighbourhood and Home Watch Network (NHW) is the official national overarching body for all schemes within England & Wales, providing support for all NHW scheme members. You can enter your postcode on their website (see Related Information) to find your nearest scheme. You can also send your local scheme a message via the site.

If there is not a scheme in your local area and you want to set one up, please refer to the website in Related Information for more details on this and other matters relating to Neighbourhood Watch.

Neighbourhood Watch schemes are very popular and many insurance companies offer a discount on home insurance if you are a member of a scheme.

Related questions


Bogus Callers

‘Bogus caller’ is a term used to describe people who pretend to be someone else, usually in order to steal. They will be attempting to gain entry to the premises to steal, often working in pairs, with one person distracting the homeowner while the other gains entry to the property. They often arrive unannounced and utilise different guises to trick people into gaining entry or paying for a service. 

  • 'Officials' may be smartly dressed and claim to be from the council, a utilities company, health authority or other organisation.
  • 'Dealers' may offer to buy antiques, furniture or jewellery.
  • A 'labourer / worker' may say that they need to enter the house to check something or make urgent repairs.

Always ask the caller for their identification and check it, before letting them in. You could utilise a safety chain on the door or other door safety mechanism in order to check the identity without allowing them access. You can also phone  the company to verify their identity. Make sure that you check the number yourself, rather than using a number that they give you, as this may be false and be answered by someone working with them. A genuine caller will be happy to wait outside whilst you check their credentials. If you are in any doubt, do not let the caller in.
Some utilities companies have password schemes, so you can check the identity of the caller before opening the door. This works by the caller quoting a password chosen by you to prove they are a genuine caller. You can contact your supplier to find out if they provide this service.

Bogus callers also use the telephone as a means of contacting people. These types of bogus callers may contact you and pretend to be from an organisation or company you trust such as a bank, requesting payment or account details. If you are in any doubt about a call you have received, do not reveal any personal details or account information, hang up the call and contact the organisation or company to check the call was genuine. 

If you think you have had a bogus caller at your home, you can report this to Police who will investigate.

If you have think you have been the victim of a telephone scam you can report this to the Police or Action Fraud.

Rogue Traders

These people may use pressure tactics to persuade homeowners to have unnecessary work done or to purchase goods. The rogue traders will often have no experience or training and will carry out poor quality work or sell sub-standard goods for large amounts of money and usually ask for payment in cash.

Here are some top tips to avoid becoming victim to a rogue trader:

  • Install a door chain or spy hole so you can communicate with callers without allowing access.
  • Never agree to have work done by somebody who is just passing or take their word that it needs to be done at all.
  • Never agree to have work done or part with any money on your doorstep.
  • Always get at least 2 written quotes from traders for any work.
  • Always agree the price, payment arrangements and start/finish dates in writing before any work starts on your home. You could also ask to see a copy of their public liability insurance certificate.
  • Ask friends and relatives for a recommendation or check a trusted website for details of local tradesmen in your area. You can also conduct some research on the internet to check for reviews of businesses and tradesmen.
  • You can report rogue traders to the Police on 101. If you feel threatened or the situation is an emergency, call 999.

For complaints about goods and services you can contact Trading Standards. The Citizens Advice provide free, confidential and impartial advice on consumer issues. Please see the links in Related Information for details.


A secure home will reduce the chance of you getting burgled. Many domestic burglaries are committed by opportunists; criminals will look for homes that have little or no obvious security, have doors or windows left open or seem unoccupied.

Listed below are some top tips to help keep your home safe from thieves:

  • Installing an alarm system will help to deter burglars.
  • Ensure you have a robust, secure front door with British Standard approved locks and hinges. See the link in Related Information for detailed guidance from the Master Locksmiths Association.
  • Install outside lighting, such as motion sensor lights so that intruders cannot approach without being seen.
  • Lock your doors and windows every time you leave the house, even when you are just out in the garden.
  • Consider installing CCTV, as this is good deterrent for thieves and if you are targeted, CCTV can provide valuable evidence.
  • When you go out, leave radios or lights in your house on a timer to make the property appear occupied.
  • Keep hedges and walls at the front of your house low (under one metre) so burglars have nowhere to hide.
  • Keep side and rear boundaries high and add trellis or prickly defensive planting to make it harder for burglars to climb over.
  • If you have a sliding patio door, check it has an anti-lift device fitted so it can't be lifted out of the frame.
  • Move bins or garden furniture that could be used to reach windows.
  • Ensure communal doors in flats / apartments are closed and secure and report any faults to your landlord or maintenance company.
  • Never buzz anyone into the building that you do not know or let them follow behind you.
  • Lock and secure any sheds and outbuildings.
  • Property mark and register valuable items. See Related Information for details.

Please also see the following websites in Related Information.


The Trading Standards Institute gives detailed advice regarding cold callers and advice on your rights regarding them.

'Doorstep sellers' are becoming an increasing problem, usually targeting older people. Someone comes to your door with the aim of scamming you out of money or trying to gain access to your home to steal items. In some cases, the sellers portray to be reformed criminals who are looking to start their lives again.

You can put up a 'no cold callers' sign which should deter them from knocking on your door, and if a cold caller ignores this sign it is a criminal offence. Whilst the police may not be able to take action in each individual case of the sign being ignored, the information can be used to target these sellers and prevent them from committing crimes.

If you are the victim of this and the callers refuse to leave, you can contact the police. If you are not in immediate danger, we would advise that you make a report via the non-emergency 101 number or on the 999 number in an emergency.

For further guidance please see the links in 'related information' to helpful websites.

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Q80: How do I find out about my local Neighbourhood Watch scheme?


The Neighbourhood and Home Watch Network (NHW) is the official national overarching body for all schemes within England & Wales, providing support for all NHW scheme members. You can enter your postcode on their website (see Related Information) to find your nearest scheme. You can also send your local scheme a message via the site.

If there is not a scheme in your local area and you want to set one up, please refer to the website in Related Information for more details on this and other matters relating to Neighbourhood Watch.

Neighbourhood Watch schemes are very popular and many insurance companies offer a discount on home insurance if you are a member of a scheme.