We cannot make any specific recommendations. Your home insurance company would be one of the best people to contact to get advice regarding a burglar alarm. They may have a list of approved companies that they can recommend, and by using one of them they may offer a reduction on your policy. See the link in Related Information to Security Alarms, which provides information as to the different types of alarm systems that are available, to see which ones would best suit your needs.
It would be a good idea to see if the alarm company that you select has one or more of the following accreditations (in no particular order):
- BSIA (British Security Industry Association) or FSA (Fire and Security Association) - these are the industry's own professional bodies
- NSI (National Security Inspectorate) who also run other named schemes
- SSAIB (Security Systems and Alarms Inspection Board)
For further information on burglar alarms and other home security tips, please see the websites in Related Information.